Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Day 13 -- Veli Loshinj & Krk

Charlotte: This morning we checked out of the hotel in Mali Losinj, and headed to a Theraputical Facility in Veli Losinj (pronounced VEL-ee Low-Shing) that focused on skin and respiratory diseases where we met Renata Zugic the director of the facility. She explained to us that the main things that they treat there are skin diseases such as psoriasis and other skin conditions and asthma and other related respiratory diseases. Their goal is to treat with natural remedies and not use drugs to control these aliments their main therapies include:

Thalassotherapy - inhalation therapy and respiratory kinesitherapy that helps bronchial asthma.

Heliomarinotherapy - ultra violet light and sea water therapy that helps psoriasis.

Aromatherapy - using herbs and essential oils to heal aliments.

We then went to the Town Museum at Place Fritzy in the town of Meli Losinj. Mrs. Zrinjka Ettinger-Starcic lectured us on the discovery and restoration of a statue of Apoksiomen that was found in the sea off the coast of Mali Losinj.

We then had lunch at Restaurant Leut in Belej, on the island of Cres. This was a very interesting lunch; we were served lamb cooked on a spit fire. It was an interesting new experience and some of our classmates were brave enough to try the delicacy of eating the brains, cheek, tong, eye ball and tail of the lamb. We then took a ferry to the island of Krk (pronounced KIRK), where we had free time for dinner and we proceeded to Njivice where we checked into our hotel.

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